<aside> 💡 **Little Guide:
Areas** In this PARA System you have several Areas. Areas are parts of your life wich you want to organize in Notion (e.g. Sport, Work, Friends…)
**Resources** Resources are kind of a storage for knowledge. They can contain several Notes and Webclips and can be connected to Areas, Projects and Dates
**Projects** Your Areas can contain several Projects. For example: you have an Area called “Work” and this Area contains a Project calls “Get a Job”
Visions Visons are special Projects you want to finish this Year. The goal is to work for 30 min every day for one of your Visons
**Tasks **Every Project contains several Tasks. For example: in your Project ”Get a Job” is a Task calls “send an application to several companies”
**Dates** Areas, Resources and Project can be connected to Dates. For example: your Project “Get a Job” has a linked Date calls “Job Interview”
Notes Notes are just notes ;). You can connect them to several Areas, Resources, Projects and Dates
<aside> <img src="/icons/home_gray.svg" alt="/icons/home_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Home
<aside> <img src="/icons/sun_gray.svg" alt="/icons/sun_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Today
<aside> <img src="/icons/invitation_gray.svg" alt="/icons/invitation_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Inbox